
What Is The Best Way To Keep Your Body Healthy?

It’s no secret that being active, in whatever capacity, is a good thing. It improves not only physical health but mental wellbeing too.

That kick of endorphins you get after taking part in your favourite physical activity is hard to ignore and it all goes towards a happier and healthier you.

But what is the best way to keep your mind and body in tip top shape? The secret is…beat the boredom by having plenty of variety in your routine! There’s not many of us who would like to do the same thing over and over again day in, day out. As humans we get complacent and so do our muscles! By mixing up your workout routine you can keep your muscles on their toes and keep your brain engaged in the process.

Regular exercise of any kind is key to staying healthy and, when looking for the right gym membership, you need to know what works for you.

Firstly think about your goals. If you would like to improve your overall stamina and cardiovascular fitness, looking for gyms with pools is a good place to start. If you know you tend to get bored easily, look for a venue that has plenty of fitness classes as they’re an easy way to mix up your routine and stay motivated with a group of like-minded people. If you know you want to build muscle, you may want to find a facility that has plenty of weights and resistance machines.

Adults Taking Part In A Fitness Class

“I love the variety of classes I take. People think of getting fit and automatically think of slogging it out in the gym but I’ve found that the best way to keep fit is a class – plus it’s fun too so it doesn’t really feel like exercise.” Roy, member at Hillsborough Leisure Centre.

Secondly, plan your routine into your diary and make it achievable. Put the date in your diary and stick to it as you would an appointment with the doctor or drinks with a friend. Again, add some variety by doing different activities each week. For example you could try an energetic gym class on Monday, a strengthening gym session on Wednesday followed by a relaxing swim on Friday.

Above all, the most important thing to consider is consistency. This is what truly separates successful people from the people who give up on their fitness routine early on. Every session, every rep, every step counts so keep it up!

If you want regular motivation sessions and variety in your fitness plan, join us today.