
How To Build The Ultimate Fort

Building an indoor fort can provide endless hours of fun for kids and adults and are easy to build with things you can find around the house. Here's our guide to building the ultimate indoor fort.

1. Figure out where your fort will be

Choose a practical place to build your fort depending on how long your planning on keeping it up. If you're wanting to keep your fort up for the weekend, choose a room or area of the house that doesn't get used very often. However, if you're only planning on keeping your fort up for a few hours, the kitchen table is great place to start.

2. Get your fort supplies together

You can make your fort from items around the household such as cushions, pillows, bed sheets and blankets plus some weighty items to help support your fort walls such as large shoes, books or chairs. Challenge each member of your family to find an item to help build your fort. 

3. It’s time to get organised

If you're using cushions and pillows to build your fort, sort these into groups. Soft, fluffy and comfortable pillows are the best for your floor. Sofa cushions and other more solid cushions will be better for the walls. 

Once you've got all your supplies together and organised you're ready to start building!

4. Time to prop your fort walls up

Items such as chairs make a great fort wall. Face them outwards so you have more room insideIf you don’t have chairs on hand, sofa cushions or more solid cushions and pillows can be used.  

Place your cushions in a line and stack another row of pillows on top of that one to build the wall as high as you want! Repeat another wall of cushions parallel to this one to form the structure of your fort.

5. Secure the roof

Use bed sheets for the roof if you have them, they will let more light into your fort and are less likely to make your fort collapse. Stretch and place the sheets over the walls. Next, secure the roof using heavy objects like books to pin the sheets to the edge of the floor.  

6. Make it cosy and personalise your fort

Putting blankets and softer cushions on the floor to sit on will make you’re fort a lot comfier.  Then all that’s left to do is grab a few items to keep you entertained such as games, colouring books, a torch, crafts plus your favourite snacks! 

And finally... don’t forget to give your fort a super cool name!