
Exercise To Ease Lower Back Pain

Back pain in any form should be managed by movement within pain limits. You may feel slight discomfort but in aid to manage it, mobility and general movement is needed.

Try our short programme to help ease lower back pain.


Roll Downs (10 Reps)

  • Stand with your feet just under your hips, leaning on a wall if needed; rest your weight in the centre of your feet.
  • Drop your chin and begin to slowly roll your spine down and away from the wall, vertebra by vertebra, while exhaling.
  • The abdominal stays lifted and there is a sense of lengthening of the spine as you roll down.
  • Your arms track with your body, staying parallel to your ears.
  • As the roll down progresses, you have the opportunity to deepen the scoop of the abs even more.
  • Work slowly, peeling the spine away from the wall, allowing your head and neck to relax.
  • Retract back to the starting position.

Rotations (10 Reps)

  • Sit on a hard bottomed chair, neutral spine looking forward with the arms across the chest.
  • Without involving any hip movement rotate from your torso until you can look behind you (slow and controlled).
  • Return to centre and repeat on the other side.

Superman (5 - 10 Reps)

  • Lying face down (on the floor or on a bed if you cannot get on the floor)
  • Arms above your head (but resting on the floor)
  • Lift the left arm and right leg together coming off the floor hold for 5 seconds then relax.
  • Repeat with opposite arm and leg


Finish workout with stretches holding for as long as possible, whilst staying within your own limits.

Hamstring (10 Reps)

  • Sit on a chair (on the front half)
  • One leg straight resting heel on the floor/one leg 90 degree with full foot on the floor
  • Rest your hand lightly on your straight leg and begin to slowly bend forward rounding your back
  • Slide your hands down to your knee until you can feel the stretch in the back of your straight leg and lower back
  • Draw back and repeat

Knee Drops (10 Reps)

  • Lay on the floor/Bed (face upwards) and feet flat on the floor/Bed. With your arms out to the side.
  • Whilst keeping both arms and shoulders on the floor drop your knees to one side to rest on the floor hold and change sides.
  • For a better stretch hold in position for as long as possible

Knee Drops (10 Reps)

  • Lay on the floor/Bed (face upwards) and feet flat on the floor/Bed. With your arms out to the side.
  • Whilst keeping both arms and shoulders on the floor drop your knees to one side to rest on the floor hold and change sides.
  • For a better stretch hold in position for as long as possible