
Heeley Swimming Lesson Relocation

Relocating your swimming lessons back to Heeley

Our online lesson relocation forms are for existing swimming lesson customers at Heeley Swimming Pool & Gym who require a new swimming lesson because:

  • The swimmer has passed their current stage and needs a lesson at the next stage
  • The swimmer has been impacted by timetable changes and their new lesson time isn't suitable
  • Their previous swimming lesson is no longer suitable.

To choose your/your child's lessons please:

1.View our lesson timetable for your/your child's lesson on the links below.

2. Select up to 3 lessons that you/your child would be able to attend.

3. Complete our online relocation form (one per lesson attendee)

Our team will work through all submitted forms allocating places based on your preferences. Once you have been allocated a place on our lesson programme you will receive a confirmation email of your temporary relocated lesson. All swimming lesson places are subject to availability and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Should the lessons that you have chosen become unavailable you will receive a phone call to discuss your options.

Lesson relocations can only be requested through submitting an online form. Should you experience issues completing the form then please contact us on 0114 223 3410 and a member of our team will be able to assist.

All lesson request forms must be completed by Friday 1st December.